WESS Post Secondary School

WESS is a post-secondary school located in St. Thomas, Ontario. The school offers a number of programs and services, including a before and after school program, a breakfast club, and a number of extracurricular activities.
Essay Contest Winner
This years Essay contest winner Paige Doherty being presented a cheque and certificate. Pictured with President Joan Neil and Essay Contest organizer and member Barb Ross.
Breakfast Donation
Our club recently donated to the West Elgin Secondary School so they could purchase some new jerseys for their spring sport teams. Our club is so grateful for the charitable gaming funds raised from our volunteering with @Jackpot Time in St Thomas which allows us to support local youth.
Interested in this project?
Send us an email at westlorneoptimistclub@gmail.com
Just set the subject to: Project WESS Post Secondary School and we will get back to you!